- Yup, that fixed it. 15:04:01, 2010-09-30
- @Sangluna Well it saves making lots of tiny journal entries. :) How you be? :3 in reply to Sangluna 15:16:57, 2010-09-30
- @bloophoenix Try http://www.pharosparcel.com/ in reply to bloophoenix 17:11:04, 2010-09-30
- Money's on my balance but not my cleared balance. Still. 17:20:38, 2010-09-30
- @ThrashWolf You're some hostels! :P in reply to ThrashWolf 18:22:45, 2010-09-30
- The world will not end in 2012 any more than your car will explode when the odometer rolls over to all zeroes. 18:34:24, 2010-09-30
- Feeling a bit shakey, but got something done at least. 19:55:10, 2010-09-30
- @BaiSheep That's MR Jellyfish to you! in reply to BaiSheep 20:19:23, 2010-09-30
- Eating a blue-brie and chicken sandwich. 20:21:57, 2010-09-30
- I'm all out of honey. :( 20:26:05, 2010-09-30
- @ThoughtDemon Round-nosed scissors! @_@ in reply to ThoughtDemon 21:07:22, 2010-09-30
- @BaiSheep Have a hot-chocolate? :) in reply to BaiSheep 21:10:27, 2010-09-30
- @BaiSheep I hope you find it worthy of a treat. ^_^ in reply to BaiSheep 21:19:31, 2010-09-30
- @ThrashWolf You did kinda ask for that one. ;P in reply to ThrashWolf 21:30:14, 2010-09-30
- @AdriOfTheDead Freakazoid is the patron saint of 4-chan. in reply to AdriOfTheDead 22:54:50, 2010-09-30
- First panic attack for a week triggered V quickly by drama between two friends texted to my phone. Now shaky & light headed again. 22:59:12, 2010-09-30
- @ShemaLioness *hugs back* in reply to ShemaLioness 23:09:35, 2010-09-30
- Wondering what the spec on 3yr old HP servers would be. Dads work is upgrading again. Waiting for a model number. 23:38:20, 2010-09-30
Twitter Updates for 30-09-2010
Twitter Updates for 30-09-2010