- Home, good times at LF summer party. Felt it ended too early, but probably best for the sake of my bank balance. 00:43:34, 2011-07-31
- Also: Hooray. Won the enclosure I was after. Hopefully next week will be able to assemble CNC control system. 00:45:39, 2011-07-31
- Took me 20sec to find the M key though, so time for bed now I think. 00:46:12, 2011-07-31
- Wee bit hung-over. Ugh. 10:40:45, 2011-07-31
- @Mish_Monster Oh god, if only in reply to Mish_Monster 10:42:05, 2011-07-31
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/w5U-YT-mRmI?a Storm Large 8 MILES WIDE music video 10:48:05, 2011-07-31
- @Mish_Monster I think I drank a bit more than you tho ;) in reply to Mish_Monster 10:58:10, 2011-07-31
- @Mish_Monster Stayed til the bitter end! Glug glug~ in reply to Mish_Monster 11:01:56, 2011-07-31
- With the same opportunities, all genders have the same potential to be shits. Disagree? Means you've not spent enough time with that gender. 12:40:19, 2011-07-31
- @jackalesque If someone thinks one gender is always perfect, they've really not spent enough time with that gender. in reply to jackalesque 13:11:55, 2011-07-31
- @JezzKitty Enjoyed the evening too then? X3 in reply to JezzKitty 13:12:20, 2011-07-31
- @jackalesque Bit short on cash, but could do. Not going to be at the space long now tho. Anywhere else we could meet today? in reply to jackalesque 13:14:24, 2011-07-31
- @jackalesque Also bit exhausted. Only planning to drop in the coffee machine. in reply to jackalesque 13:20:26, 2011-07-31
- Ooh, free listing day! 13:24:03, 2011-07-31
- Was expecting it to be a joke trailer but holy fuck. $200million spent making a movie of the boardgame Battleship?? Has love story+aliens!?! 13:34:56, 2011-07-31
- @blueybirdy Don't know! But in the trailer it looked like the ships got hit by peg-shaped weapons. D: in reply to blueybirdy 13:44:36, 2011-07-31
- @blueybirdy I'm glad you like it. Seen a few ghost signs about, but phone doesn't pick them up well. in reply to blueybirdy 13:45:11, 2011-07-31
- @JamesWallis "Mad Hatters" were sent mad by hat related mercury poisoning. Does the Tea Party have a stance on workplace hazard liability? in reply to JamesWallis 13:49:28, 2011-07-31
- Prediction: Google+ will die. Google won't bother fixing it b/c of associated negative press & will move onto next project instead. 14:04:06, 2011-07-31
- Basically I don't think google has patience for failures on any level now. Get it right first time or shame them and be killed off. 14:05:13, 2011-07-31
- @meekoblue Fortunately governments don't pay for the movies. However seems a desperate gamble for a studio to make. in reply to meekoblue 14:24:14, 2011-07-31
- Guessing #reasonstobeatyourgirlfriend is trending for being attention-raising satire, much like #blamethemuslims was. Hopefully anyway. 14:30:38, 2011-07-31
- #reasonstobeatyourboyfriend Because he wouldn't appreciate a pity-win in Halo multiplayer? 14:35:37, 2011-07-31
- @meekoblue Went past a college in the US once. The college football stadium was twice the size of the rest of the school. School funded. in reply to meekoblue 14:37:04, 2011-07-31
- @davidgerard The smoke's probably from what's burning ON the bbq, not the bbq itself. in reply to davidgerard 14:49:46, 2011-07-31
- WTF, I have to watch a trailer to watch another trailer? 15:12:32, 2011-07-31
- @blueybirdy Yeah, I have a pile of stuff I can either price too high to sell or risk loosing money on postage. in reply to blueybirdy 16:18:24, 2011-07-31
- @mikkohypponen Whoa, so @LulzSec were fighting one of the most infamous street gangs when they took down the network?? #PresentationMatters in reply to mikkohypponen 22:08:15, 2011-07-31
- I liked a @YouTube video from @AnonymousPaine http://youtu.be/9TG4RTwctlw?a Anonymous to the Machine: You Will Rust and d 23:43:26, 2011-07-31
- I favorited a @YouTube video from @AnonymousPaine http://youtu.be/9TG4RTwctlw?a Anonymous to the Machine: You Will Rust a 23:43:33, 2011-07-31
Twitter Updates for 31-07-2011
Twitter Updates for 31-07-2011