- Way to avoid "bikeshedding". Agree everyone has a valid point.. so they can take it in turns to repaint it every month. Stops with boredom. 01:12:12, 2012-01-30
- #bankofidea / #occupylondon are being evicted from the RBS building right now. 1am on a monday morning. Livestream: http://t.co/5A1Ha550 01:20:40, 2012-01-30
- @AnonymousIRC #occupylondon currently being evicted at 1am to avoid press coverage. Amateur Livestream: http://t.co/5A1Ha550 in reply to AnonymousIRC 01:21:43, 2012-01-30
- "Couldn't be FUR-thur from the truth!" I lolled even if that wasn't intentional (@YouTube http://t.co/TxrqIEfJ) 09:44:56, 2012-01-30
- @julesmattsson The footage merges oddly with the preceding video advert for Resident Evil 6. in reply to julesmattsson 12:44:48, 2012-01-30
- @sevenhelz Pretty sure "man" and even "dude" are both unisex terms now in such sentances. in reply to sevenhelz 13:23:50, 2012-01-30
- Right, the EDF fence issue is out to tender by Feb 17th. 13:57:07, 2012-01-30
- Also discovered images not loading in Chrome is related to all the Twitter problems in it. Security certificates in Chrome are broken. 13:57:44, 2012-01-30
- For some reason some SSL certificates in Chrome are only loading the intermediary authority, not the root, so the 2nd can't be found. 14:01:02, 2012-01-30
- In the case of FA the site isn't using an SSL but the image server *is*, so the site loads without images. 14:01:42, 2012-01-30
- You need to attempt to load one of the direct image links to tell it to "proceed anyway". Should last 1 session only though. 14:02:35, 2012-01-30
- FFFFffffff.. Tried manually importing the cert as "trusted" 3 times now. It's not working. 14:22:39, 2012-01-30
- @sevenhelz Part peer-pressure too p'rolly. But suspect some try in teens at a point where intimate hygiene isn't a priority & are put off. in reply to sevenhelz 15:21:03, 2012-01-30
- When Prince Harry gets shot in the Falklands the Queen will nuke it. Then there'll be no Nuclear Arsenal left in an independent Scotland. ;P 15:26:04, 2012-01-30
- @sevenhelz All likely. Just as theres many reasons why some really like it. Watching reaction, tastes, scents, differing intimacy, variety.. in reply to sevenhelz 15:33:45, 2012-01-30
- @jackalesque Fingers crossed! in reply to jackalesque 15:45:01, 2012-01-30
- @asifandwhen When you said Celestia Guitar, I admit I imagined something more like this: http://t.co/jZgmsYnx in reply to asifandwhen 16:38:10, 2012-01-30
- Start to change bed sheets. Hour later I've only just stripped the bed, but have drawn a Princess Celestia themed electric guitar. >_< 16:46:21, 2012-01-30
- Y'know.. other people make custom guitars on their milling machines.. 16:47:05, 2012-01-30
- The human eye may see at roughly 24-30fps in the VERY centre of vision, but the (@YouTube http://t.co/5lLDR3kM) 17:15:35, 2012-01-30
- Anyone else thinking of the beginning of RoboCop 2? (@YouTube http://t.co/172NnfKL) 17:19:30, 2012-01-30
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/AuutCVDs Keeping You Safe 17:50:18, 2012-01-30
- @marcarmstrong88 Hadn't forgotten; hadn't actually thought of that! Suppose caf (@YouTube http://t.co/5lLDR3kM) 19:01:36, 2012-01-30
- @MadMadsGamer A few years back I tried to work out what the maximum spec you'd (@YouTube http://t.co/5lLDR3kM) 19:16:59, 2012-01-30
- @noherczeg Only the center 2 degrees of arc are that speed. Unless you're watch (@YouTube http://t.co/5lLDR3kM) 19:19:33, 2012-01-30
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/9c8VIJ4z Star Trek III Stealing Enterprise 19:56:33, 2012-01-30
- @rottenpancakes we're probably talking more about the brain processes that allo (@YouTube http://t.co/5lLDR3kM) 20:16:35, 2012-01-30
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