- RT @PennyRed: I wrote a piece about Milo over the summer. You probably won't find this sort of thing in his book. https://t.co/wfWGHHfA2I 02:25:52, 2016-12-30
- @emmablackery @DanNerdCubed Make it a giant bikini. Like the size of a house. A bikini made of brick & wood. A house really. in reply to emmablackery 02:27:49, 2016-12-30
- RT @SiobhanFenton: My column- Theresa May is risking peace in Northern Ireland to pursue anti-human rights agenda of Little Englanders http… 02:28:12, 2016-12-30
- RT @rights_info: Theresa May reportedly wants to take us out of the European Convention on Human Rights. Please retweet this on the ECHR's… 12:42:09, 2016-12-30
- RT @jamesrbuk: Labour's current position on Brexit is that they wouldn't vote against it but May is wrong not to have a vote anyway. ¯\_(ツ)… 12:49:48, 2016-12-30
- RT @melgillman: Hi! Artist here. I don't make better art under fascist regimes in much the same way I don't make better art when I'm lite… 12:51:45, 2016-12-30
- RT @Organicstarship: i feel like saying artists produce better work under oppression is the same as praising a fox for running its fastest… 12:53:04, 2016-12-30
- RT @davies_will: Also:
2015: "sociology is a leftwing nonsense"
2016: "WHOLE REGIONS ARE ACTING IN WAYS ECONOMICS DIDNT PREDICT!" 12:54:34, 2016-12-30 - Finally, briefly, had a moment of lucidity in my dreams last night. 13:48:52, 2016-12-30
- RT @frolix22: US with the neat response to May's absurd criticism of Kerry's statement. https://t.co/22VEm8z41X 13:52:12, 2016-12-30
- RT @rights_info: Theresa May apparently wants us to leave the European Convention on Human Rights. Here are 11 times it changed UK https://… 13:54:52, 2016-12-30
- RT @elelibee: Looking at adopting a rabbit and… https://t.co/RRNlTmkyW2 14:06:26, 2016-12-30
- RT @guardian: I have seen Britain shrouded in darkness before. Better times will come | Harry Leslie Smith https://t.co/XJKA355kNO 14:07:34, 2016-12-30
- RT @AstroKatie: Here's a thing about science communication. If we all had data-processor brains, it would be easy: here's data, now you kno… 14:30:45, 2016-12-30
- Why I tend to favour the idea of any specialist having a PR secretary present findings to the general public, or sp… https://t.co/SqKenC1ZHh 14:32:30, 2016-12-30
- RT @quendergeer: So it turns out that was a load-bearing Bowie 14:33:42, 2016-12-30
- RT @ScruffLord: @yogscast Five Go to Brexit Island…one of the greatest read throughs by @lomadia and @RadderssGaming XD https://t.co/1Lr2… 14:35:05, 2016-12-30
- Just a hunch; are EU workers able to join UK unions? https://t.co/D2L31ksDRJ 14:36:52, 2016-12-30
- RT @skipai: Ministers hid secret death reports from their ‘fitness for work’ test reviewer
https://t.co/qUZ5p3EaAR 14:37:25, 2016-12-30 - @StrypeisonFire People into control & violating personal boundaries also into stealing artwork, hmm.. in reply to StrypeisonFire 14:41:26, 2016-12-30
- I don't remember punching a wall.. https://t.co/UVZq8EHwQ0 19:12:10, 2016-12-30
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