- RT @DougExeter: *to the tune of eleanor rigby*
bear in a hammock
waiting to see if the owner will notice he's there
he is a bear https://t.… 00:35:23, 2018-06-29 - RT @tarah: Gentoo has been compromised. More info to come. https://t.co/IqYHcXtZXP https://t.co/ja0CzpEQoS 00:37:51, 2018-06-29
- Urge to buy a chest freezer increasing… 00:55:00, 2018-06-29
- RT @FSqueek: oh goody https://t.co/VEJhwn68Tq 01:07:17, 2018-06-29
- RT @kevinroose: This has lots of good snooping potential for journalists. Among other things: you can now see which media companies are buy… 01:27:09, 2018-06-29
- RT @NBCNews: "Can you please talk to us about the dead reporters in Annapolis?"
“Do you have any words of condolence for the families, Mr.… 01:27:49, 2018-06-29
- RT @FreakinClever: TWITCH: We’re going to tell you about possible algorithm changes before they happen.
YOUTUBE: We’re going to change the… 02:28:21, 2018-06-29
- RT @HarryStopes: I'm guessing the discussion of the "student lie-in" here has no consideration for staff who'll have to get up an hour earl… 02:30:31, 2018-06-29
- RT @doctorow: #5yrsago Beyond feudal security: what's happening to online security and freedom https://t.co/HQ6MGr0nar https://t.co/6ePHOOp… 02:30:49, 2018-06-29
- RT @AoDespair: Rob Hiaasen.
Husband, father of three, careful reporter and editor. Committed, lifelong newspaperman and journalist. Fine,… 02:31:52, 2018-06-29 - RT @LukewSavage: Apropos of nothing, Nancy Pelosi's net worth is reportedly more than $29 million https://t.co/UkzLOnNUZl 02:33:13, 2018-06-29
- @CaseyExplosion Good call.
Forever sad how slimy they get if you leave any to eat the next day tho. in reply to CaseyExplosion 02:36:57, 2018-06-29 - RT @secondhusk: Remember how in Harry Potter, Mrs. Weasley had that clock that showed where her family was, & it stopped working once Volde… 02:37:37, 2018-06-29
- RT @ionotter: I have a few people on my feed who are knob-slobbing fans of Milo and his version of free speech.
I wonder how fast they'll… 02:40:19, 2018-06-29
- @ionotter My money is that they double down in reply to ionotter 02:40:59, 2018-06-29
- Just been on the phone to @wickes again. The order I was told didn't go through, and asked to have cancelled, did g… https://t.co/s9kVDGd6iG 13:12:30, 2018-06-29
- @Wickes I've just received confirmation that it's been cancelled. A refund has been sent and is "pending" with Payp… https://t.co/wBatWOOzEV in reply to Wickes 13:24:13, 2018-06-29
- @AlexChilver That does look cheapest. £1733 including delivery and VAT. That's not terrible. in reply to AlexChilver 13:28:21, 2018-06-29
- @Wickes Paypal say it may take 5-7 days to get into my paypal account. Presumably it will then be an additional 1-3… https://t.co/XD0GSJpmWp in reply to Wickes 15:44:58, 2018-06-29
- RT @cremullins: DON'T ? SAY ? YOUR ? GIRLFRIEND ? IS ? AN ? ANGEL ? UNLESS ? SHE ? HAS ? SEVEN ? WINGS ? COVERED ? IN ? EYES ? AND ? THE ?… 16:07:27, 2018-06-29
- RT @julesmattsson: 5 people are dead and he still finds a way to make it worse for himself https://t.co/pf1jrdTmET 16:08:50, 2018-06-29
- RT @beaniegigi: Toys 'R Us has closed down and if Geoffrey The Giraffe with his little suitcase leaving the empty store and the idea that w… 16:09:59, 2018-06-29
- BELZEBUBS – Blackened Call (OFFICIAL VIDEO) https://t.co/pIe6weY7w9 via @YouTube 16:55:01, 2018-06-29
Twitter Updates for 29-06-2018
Twitter Updates for 29-06-2018