- This is intriguing.
https://t.co/jLktNUnobC 02:49:49, 2019-04-29 - Police investigating rape of women in north London release CCTV image of suspect https://t.co/OxNhq5zYkc 03:10:07, 2019-04-29
- RT @chiguisi: Whenever people or gamers threaten me online in that 'tough person on a computer' kind of way, I usually just reply with this… 11:50:54, 2019-04-29
- RT @Botanygeek: Funny how as a panellist on the show, who regularly reveals he lives in a flat with no garden, I never get this criticism.… 13:19:55, 2019-04-29
- RT @mathieugallard: ?? Les intentions de vote pour les européennes au #RoyaumeUni donnent trois blocs équivalents sur le #Brexit :
Modérés… 13:21:18, 2019-04-29
- RT @Rainmaker1973: This video showing an Su-35S aircraft's supermaneuverability at MAKS 2017, visualizes the capabilities of the thrust vec… 13:22:29, 2019-04-29
- RT @SkiaSkai: Pet Portraits are now OPEN! £225 each, taking 6, fill in form to claim! Any animal is fine! https://t.co/yuhs1FIGjM https://t… 13:23:09, 2019-04-29
- RT @peterjukes: More racist propaganda from Farage, like the ‘no go zones’ bullshit. This kind of inflammatory misinformation has consequen… 13:27:27, 2019-04-29
- RT @ruviz: The risk of mass disenfranchisement in #EP2019 is grave.
The solution is simple:
Let citizens sign the UC1 declaration form a… 13:28:56, 2019-04-29 - RT @EssexCanning: It really comes to something when getting naked and doing nazi salutes whilst mowing a swastika in your lawn only warrant… 13:29:58, 2019-04-29
- RT @missmjustice: We’ve been having our phones taken for yrs. My iPhone was taken for 2 yrs and my FB page and passwords taken. My friends… 13:30:16, 2019-04-29
- RT @arthur_affect: You know Glinner did a whole episode of the IT Crowd where there's a long fight scene where a guy beats up a woman and t… 13:31:39, 2019-04-29
- RT @fwuffydragon: If you have requested a postal vote, remember to post it! 13:34:03, 2019-04-29
- RT @Iron_Spike: See also: Tickle Cock Bridge, which SOME BORING PEOPLE tried to quietly rechristen "Tittle Cott" post-refurbishment in the… 13:35:22, 2019-04-29
- RT @hackaday: A high-tech bike computer turns out to be more than meets the eye after some WiFi hacking. https://t.co/5QDqTejsSz https://t.… 13:37:31, 2019-04-29
- RT @Rainmaker1973: On average, a cormorant requires around 500 g of food each day, although the weight of fish eaten can vary both from day… 13:39:34, 2019-04-29
- RT @Sewpoke_: Does anyone want this stuff before I chuck it? Noses, split rings and magnet strips (weak, think fridge magnets). Would be go… 13:41:03, 2019-04-29
- RT @SayeedaWarsi: “It was anti-immigrant..it was certainly Islamophobic, it was not representative of the kind of society I think we should… 13:47:00, 2019-04-29
- RT @stevewfolds: @gillyarcht re: Indonesian ballot counting deaths. v @June4th https://t.co/B6rxWqOI4H 14:26:21, 2019-04-29
- RT @Moooozle: I am not going to open for more commissions until my current main list is clear. And I kniw once I get back into the swing of… 14:27:15, 2019-04-29
- @doctorow FAO @KorpsPropaganda ;3 in reply to doctorow 14:32:58, 2019-04-29
- RT @fakethom: Three year since someone in HR thought my brother had the BMI of a small planet… https://t.co/qRWs2ZK6pb 14:38:31, 2019-04-29
- RT @MartinBelam: Oh man I am going to have to learn this gesture off by heart https://t.co/CDAhKv1Wdl 14:46:09, 2019-04-29
- RT @bentleycoon: Yes! Yes! We need this! https://t.co/hYIJz2khpb 15:02:17, 2019-04-29
- RT @Iron_Spike: Hey folks, >>>Michael Davis isn't dead.<<< Someone got into his social media and simply posted that he was. He woke up this… 15:06:05, 2019-04-29
- RT @FullFact: In the run-up to local elections, the Conservatives say their councils charge £90 less council tax than Labour ones. Labour s… 17:33:09, 2019-04-29
- RT @brianstelter: It is really mind-blowing to watch a TV anchor try to "wrap" the President of the United States. "Thank you so much," she… 17:37:22, 2019-04-29
- RT @Luna_Butt: So, you ever think when people don't pick up their cake orders; the employees get free cake?
Decorators like me… 17:39:47, 2019-04-29
- RT @ehronlime: Baby's First RPG:
You are Babies.
Your goal is to operate a rocket-propelled-grenade to take out the tank menacing your vi… 17:49:24, 2019-04-29 - RT @CursedArchitect: https://t.co/dpiuc3INuz 17:49:36, 2019-04-29
- RT @arturo182: No big deal, just a 1600×1200 @ 0.5" OLED, only 4000 PPI.
- RT @JeanneBartram: Theresa May ‘suppressed’ up to 9 studies which found immigration does not harm UK workers https://t.co/vcL29w6GyB 17:52:40, 2019-04-29
- RT @BoingBoing: YouTube's algorithm overwhelmingly recommended Russia Today's video about the Mueller report https://t.co/BN6tYVi6yV https:… 18:07:02, 2019-04-29
- RT @sirbarkalot_: i drew #captainmarvel as a cat because honestly thats all im good at doing https://t.co/NEBtdVuuwU 18:07:39, 2019-04-29
- RT @topherflorence: dr. robotnik look like a dude who made an unpopular new wave concept album about max headroom after he got kicked out o… 19:47:26, 2019-04-29
- RT @LoloFennec: ? words to live by https://t.co/PaTmmUPeqY 19:48:07, 2019-04-29
- @topherflorence He looks like a 21st century Professor Fate more than a Dr Robotnik. in reply to topherflorence 19:53:55, 2019-04-29
- Leaked images of Dr Robotnik from the Sonic the Hedgehog liveaction movie.. https://t.co/zhY6ICl5aL 19:57:12, 2019-04-29
- RT @FarukuCostumes: We are live!
Grab some early birds while ya can, any RT’s and shares are much appreciated ?✨ thank you all for your su… 20:25:43, 2019-04-29 - @Troglit Spines are a motherfucker. in reply to Troglit 21:17:07, 2019-04-29
- Hell yeah! Lightscribe has an offset feature! I think I can use that to compensate for laser kerf. 21:37:03, 2019-04-29
- New freezer baskets all painted with plastidip. Some came out well, others not so much. Build video coming soon. @… https://t.co/a0IU8ZEwAQ 21:57:02, 2019-04-29
Twitter Updates for 29-04-2019
Twitter Updates for 29-04-2019