- The booze is all re-bottled now. Phew. And I finished a picture today. Feels nice. Bed soon, for kitten-placement tomorrow. 00:04:20, 2011-05-30
- New Artwork: After hours.. [Adult] http://sofurry.com/page/254207 00:32:24, 2011-05-30
- Internet is running very poorly tonight. Will upload photos tomorrow most likely. 01:36:05, 2011-05-30
- Both kittens are gone now, and I'm £140 up from shirt sales. 13:17:44, 2011-05-30
- @xandalion Aww, thanks! The ego swells. :) in reply to xandalion 13:46:28, 2011-05-30
- That's a DaveCAD doodle none of us are ever going to see. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/dzrtEYmuQJQ?a) 13:50:14, 2011-05-30
- @retallicka Get out a rubber and clean the terminals? in reply to retallicka 14:15:07, 2011-05-30
- New blog post: Fun at Expo http://www.sci-fi-fox.com/?p=1018 14:45:48, 2011-05-30
- Since I only have two Ferret shirts left now, I've uploaded the design to Spreadshirt. It's processing now. 15:29:02, 2011-05-30
- This put me over the edge. Bought a copy. At least it's only £6. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/tOiggzVqboo?a) 16:34:45, 2011-05-30
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/BeGjTiUqw8U?a Nyan Cat (Alex S. Dubstep Remix) 16:39:58, 2011-05-30
- @MrCullen Increasingly serious about getting people together to just make Ep3 ourselves. I've got a script. in reply to MrCullen 16:41:21, 2011-05-30
- Terrible idea: Mounting Spray-Glue + Canned Air + Pot Of Glitter = Fast-pimping homes, Cribz style. 16:42:45, 2011-05-30
- Installer's downloading "netfx_Core.mzz". I keep imagining it as a personality core. 16:44:40, 2011-05-30
- @ChaseLioness There's probably something you can do about it! in reply to ChaseLioness 18:43:11, 2011-05-30
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/eCG9G0HRgJk?a MY EYEBALL PROCESS PART 1 20:12:11, 2011-05-30
- It's not a proper project unless you end up bleeding a little bit. 20:45:51, 2011-05-30
- @Lizardbeth Checked for fan-fluff? in reply to Lizardbeth 22:10:49, 2011-05-30
- Custom-engraved horns are going well. Stopped for cuppa. Dremel's vibrations are making a dent in my hand. 22:12:19, 2011-05-30
- Khizzy seems okay, but the way she sits staring at the back door it's like she's waiting for her kittens to come back in. ;_; 23:30:54, 2011-05-30
- Apparently she "chirped" at the back door earlier too, calling them. :( 23:33:58, 2011-05-30
Twitter Updates for 30-05-2011
Twitter Updates for 30-05-2011