- Met with 'Kast in town this morning. Quick drinkie, then shops. New sketchpads and tailors scissors. A3 pad FTW! <3 16:48:59, 2010-07-30
- @Pinkyfennec There's software plugins for recording Skype convos, but they cost money & don't do video. Proprietary recording format too. in reply to Pinkyfennec 17:02:50, 2010-07-30
- Some food shopping I think. Necessary. Want to draw before more casting tonight. 17:03:55, 2010-07-30
- @vonslatt Thankyou, this will add a whole new level to the evangelical scenes in Blues Brothers. Testify! <3 in reply to vonslatt 17:05:56, 2010-07-30
- @pandalion I think I shall draw some people in it. :3 in reply to pandalion 17:48:07, 2010-07-30
- I thought a lot about hips today, specifically in profile. Think I've nailed down a few key ratios. Thinking of flash game to harvest data. 18:03:33, 2010-07-30
- Picked up a couple of 330ml cans of Heineken. Gonna make Keg-9 some puppies. 20:03:21, 2010-07-30
- Grrr, fucking bid snipers. Lost by 50p. 20:59:45, 2010-07-30
- I know I've said just put your top bid in from the start, but I fumbled hitting the keypad. >_< 21:12:19, 2010-07-30
Twitter Updates for 30-07-2010
Twitter Updates for 30-07-2010