- @Alfa_fox @TheLittlestWolf Am I to gather Eddie Izzard is on TV? in reply to Alfa_fox #
- This reminds me of Rocket Knight Adventures: http://thatwillbuffout.com/2010/06/08/funny-car-photos-metal-bacon/ #
- @pandalion It coulda been worse! http://failblog.org/2010/05/21/epic-fail-photosonline-dating-fail-2/ in reply to pandalion #
- @tajasel Could be worse, could be loud drunks rather than posh tits. in reply to tajasel #
- Ugh, I'm going to bed. Late night caffeine was a bad idea. #
- Well, have torn down the old sci-fi-fox.com website and put up a wordpress blog that I'm working on trying into every social network site. #
- There is much yet to do, but at least it's a start. #
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