- RT @UnarmedOracle: Please god do not let me die in a way that makes people snort with laughter for thousands of years https://t.co/KZwOZ8J3… 03:16:01, 2018-05-30
- RT @bobbyllew: What a brilliant ad campaign. Spot on, funny, punchy. Jeez, I love Aussies! https://t.co/gbKty7vD53 11:53:16, 2018-05-30
- RT @NickCohen4: 1. This is the 6th time Russia has tried to use Interpol to arrest @Billbrowder for exposing Kremlin corruption and its in… 11:55:52, 2018-05-30
- RT @BBC_Cumbria: BBC Radio Cumbria has learned that the Lakes Line between Oxenholme and Windermere could be closed for two months because… 11:59:20, 2018-05-30
- RT @nicktail: @Eurostar I knew UK rail companies held their customers in contempt, but this is impressive. 12:02:02, 2018-05-30
- RT @nicktail: @Eurostar Oh! Scratch THAT! I didn't think you could possibly get worse, but as I was writing that last post…you've shut th… 12:02:16, 2018-05-30
- RT @nicktail: @Eurostar Oh, and the website you keep referring everyone to… Doesn't work. Why did I expect it to? 12:02:19, 2018-05-30
- RT @Pinboard: The dark money in Maine is the funniest dark money in the country right now. A secretive 'independent' group spending a fortu… 12:08:53, 2018-05-30
- RT @Ocasio2018: About 10 years ago I worked in Ted Kennedy’s foreign affairs/immigration constituent office.
I REGULARLY fielded calls fro… 12:11:48, 2018-05-30
- RT @Ocasio2018: Folks are also talking about how this isn’t just Trump.
That is true, and not new to folks familiar with US immigration. O… 12:12:17, 2018-05-30
- RT @OmarSShakir: Rockets and mortars indiscriminately fired towards Israeli population centers is a war crime. There is never a justificati… 12:15:57, 2018-05-30
- As the artists return home from the various cons, are any available who could turn a sketched logo into something vector based? 13:24:29, 2018-05-30
- @Huskyteer Thanks for that, I've sent him an email! in reply to Huskyteer 14:33:48, 2018-05-30
- RT @RealTilfsworld: As a kid I was told 2wait my turn, 2give everyone my space, time and property. Now I'm told 2push myself forward, 2boas… 14:36:58, 2018-05-30
- RT @DanielWickham93: .@JKhashoggi to @ahmed, on the rounding up of Saudi Arabia's women's rights activists: 'It is silly and unconvincing t… 14:37:50, 2018-05-30
- RT @Harryslaststand: It really should shock. and enrage everyone how little media attention has been given to the fact that over 4k people… 14:38:17, 2018-05-30
- RT @CBSNews: When she dropped to one knee to propose, her girlfriend didn't say yes — she did something better. https://t.co/aUCLET87AX ht… 14:43:09, 2018-05-30
- @gavineves Not specifically but it's part of the electrification of the Stratford line. Maybe a temporary depot, maybe a substation. in reply to gavineves 17:32:09, 2018-05-30
- RT @Troglit: Is fantasy garb/ larp wear acceptable at comic cons? I genuinely don't know :s 18:12:43, 2018-05-30
- @Troglit Planets are dragon eggs in reply to Troglit 20:02:47, 2018-05-30
- RT @clvnhvs: i never know if people are okay with getting random gift art of their OCs???
let your followers know if they can draw your OC… 23:01:21, 2018-05-30
- Masterplast Soft Feet Powder. This new foot powder is unbearable.
I've only had it a few days and my room stinks of… https://t.co/LUB88fgmip 23:12:53, 2018-05-30 - I bought it because I couldn't find the Masterplast one I've used for years. Which implies they've changed from som… https://t.co/eYnnkSFzHz in reply to SciStarborne 23:14:01, 2018-05-30
- RT @latimes: Tesla in autopilot mode crashes into parked Laguna Beach police cruiser https://t.co/KS5PiIis0I https://t.co/ug5Fsz14on 23:17:46, 2018-05-30
- @Houndloaf Holy shit that's close o_o; in reply to Houndloaf 23:59:42, 2018-05-30
Twitter Updates for 30-05-2018
Twitter Updates for 30-05-2018