- @HaloHusky @ThrashWolf Lot of people with more mouth than money. Myself included. :P in reply to HaloHusky 00:05:16, 2012-06-29
- New blog post: Today.. http://t.co/0W8uxBWB 00:32:50, 2012-06-29
- Photo: kitsunette: http://t.co/MjHe0gXf 00:35:09, 2012-06-29
- Photo: kitsunette: http://t.co/0mXjwJRK 00:35:09, 2012-06-29
- Really hating I can't even play music quietly now. Any volume at all can apparently stops people sleeping. Or might, which is enough. 00:37:31, 2012-06-29
- Leaves me feeling tethered to the PC again. Like it's the only point in my room of any use because I can't have background noise elsewhere. 00:38:56, 2012-06-29
- @inmywindow Got them. Tethered to PC and a 1m radius around it. in reply to inmywindow 00:39:30, 2012-06-29
- @inmywindow *Can* be brilliant. Not always, but can be. 00:52:32, 2012-06-29
- Been a year since the ex. That time's flown by. Still gives me panic attacks. Still feels fresh.. 00:54:46, 2012-06-29
- ..but then life is identical to how it was. Nothing's changed. Nothing has overwritten the loss of security. 00:55:33, 2012-06-29
- @tinycorvid Apparently. A journal I wrote about it is 11 months old. in reply to tinycorvid 00:56:02, 2012-06-29
- Drinking port 02:06:48, 2012-06-29
- Minecraft seed 3140653704378394487 is rather nice. Spawn right beside odd but nice village. Overhangs & 3 watchtowers. 02:36:14, 2012-06-29
- @leashless Might want to get a copy printed in case of battery failure. in reply to leashless 03:08:17, 2012-06-29
- @leashless Lots of groups are working on facets or small bits of the problem. Is there any sort of forum for them to communicate? in reply to leashless 03:11:40, 2012-06-29
- @leashless This is the problem with utopia ideas like The Venus Project; assume there's always enough to go around, that there's a way out. in reply to leashless 03:20:42, 2012-06-29
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/cegOCdlO Well hullo there! 13:28:11, 2012-06-29
- I dreamt of a piece of music last night. I disassembled it in the dream into its component parts. I defined them. 13:44:53, 2012-06-29
- Usually you can't remember music from a dream because you're actually dreaming of the feeling of music not actual music. 13:45:34, 2012-06-29
- In this case I managed to recall three core elements of the piece. There may have been a little more, but I think it was impromptu. 13:46:50, 2012-06-29
- It was elements of the music from Portal 2, but both key and cadence radically altered so it became Jazz. The Dr Who riff went over top. 13:48:29, 2012-06-29
- Trying to think what I need to do before shops close. Faircut is one possible. Dentist appointment? Wood order? 15:41:23, 2012-06-29
- Timber yard not answering, dentist closed at 3pm, Kizzy booked for vet on monday. 16:51:43, 2012-06-29
- @MsLisaRogers Depends if you want to get near the Olympics? in reply to MsLisaRogers 18:51:59, 2012-06-29
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/Lfusph8z TM65 Episode 2 – Static Test af a 65KN Liquid propellant rocket 19:52:53, 2012-06-29
- @VulpineDesigns Messaged back in Notes. in reply to VulpineDesigns 19:59:37, 2012-06-29
- Lusting after the Red Planet Pizza "Rosemary Chicken & Potato". But sadly am way outside delivery area. Also broke. 22:51:43, 2012-06-29
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