- Apparently Andrew WK gave a speech at a US My Little Pony convention. #IllJustLeaveThatThere 00:06:24, 2013-03-27
- No surprise to see that the smartphone virus targeting Tibetan freedom protesters sends the stolen data to Beijing. Very @nealstephenson 00:12:18, 2013-03-27
- Photo: http://t.co/5QamGQ6UVL 13:53:00, 2013-03-27
- Photo: goose2188: Commander Shepard? http://t.co/igAY85BkXO 13:53:24, 2013-03-27
- Photo: imdoingthisforrmyhorse: healthyprettythings: The Loneliest Whale in the World. In 2004, The New York… http://t.co/rVx62UwEOw 13:55:42, 2013-03-27
- Photoset: mydarkenedeyes: Doug Perrine captured these stunning photographs in the Maldives. The particular… http://t.co/wF9sig779A 13:57:46, 2013-03-27
- Photo: talkstostrangers: stfusexists: hushexhibitionist: afroerotik: Let’s make this viral. Reblog again So… http://t.co/umEHV4YqFI 13:58:55, 2013-03-27
- Photoset: stalkingbit: electricsed: crassetination: The Black 01 When the world goes post-apocalyptic this… http://t.co/QYVc4yH7gV 14:03:25, 2013-03-27
- Photo: moonykins: Look at that kick as he extends his front legs. Look at it. Looking at this. But hearing… http://t.co/lohaBdYcL4 14:16:07, 2013-03-27
- Photo: http://t.co/SY7KWhDXrr 14:23:48, 2013-03-27
- The biggest problem with thinking of complex subjects is finding metaphors to explain them to others when all metaphors are wrong. 14:26:58, 2013-03-27
- Sound quality not the best, but bluetooth headset now works with Windows XP! Should be handy for pottering untethered. 15:08:23, 2013-03-27
- Headless torso arrived in the post this morning. Just what I was after! 16:02:53, 2013-03-27
- @ZeroShiBlue Must be all those pornographic comments about Man Vs Food. in reply to ZeroShiBlue 16:03:40, 2013-03-27
- @abigailb Not yet! #DrFronkensteen in reply to abigailb 16:07:15, 2013-03-27
- I liked a @YouTube video from @ehmee http://t.co/HgUGe8wJsd Ask Emily #3 17:25:35, 2013-03-27
- I think I'm most amazed that you guys don't wear hair-nets and still get that close to the (@YouTube http://t.co/vvt9Chc2tV) 18:42:45, 2013-03-27
- I liked a @YouTube video from @alltime10s http://t.co/juZxUQoJ1n 10 Worst Man-Made Disasters 18:45:55, 2013-03-27
- Remember 60 years ago when air-pollution caused 12,000 deaths in London? No? http://t.co/AhyFp8fPLa 18:51:04, 2013-03-27
- You guys know there's a proper cocktail called an Emerald, right? Now I'm not saying the loser (@YouTube http://t.co/ykmStDrpNd) 22:26:58, 2013-03-27
- Boot & Nuke seems to have corrupted on I/O error on my spare big disk. Guess that clinches that it need junking. 22:52:29, 2013-03-27
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Twitter Updates for 27-03-2013