- Things to do to my child: teach them to hand-write only in Comic Sans. 00:26:16, 2013-03-29
- @GarnetPanda Wish I had some. All mine got drunk while I was visiting Sheffield! in reply to GarnetPanda 00:30:22, 2013-03-29
- @ZeroShiBlue You look like the queen of a band of post-apocalyptic road-warriors. Stunning. <3 in reply to ZeroShiBlue 01:52:10, 2013-03-29
- Though it might have been a police helicopter, but no it's definitely a fixed-wing aircraft. Been going back & forth overhead for last hour! 01:56:16, 2013-03-29
- Hard to tell at night but looks like it might be the twin-engine traffic spotter aircraft we see sometimes. What's it doing out at 2am tho? 01:57:14, 2013-03-29
- @ZeroShiBlue Ababrhruyhehffddff #thecute #itburnssogood in reply to ZeroShiBlue 01:58:33, 2013-03-29
- It flew over again a few minutes ago. Watched it head off into distance. Is going back & forth east to west, can see it coming back again 02:05:36, 2013-03-29
- Looks like it's circling over Epping forest now. Could be traffic I suppose. Not as dramatic tho. Oh well, bed. Freezing outside. 02:16:09, 2013-03-29
- @ZeroShiBlue Well done Grommit. in reply to ZeroShiBlue 02:16:19, 2013-03-29
- Fuckbadgers, it just went overhead again. 0219.30s About 100 meters further south I'd guess. 02:20:08, 2013-03-29
- It's either hoping back and forth between the A104 and the A406 or it's flying a recon pattern. 0222 and it's back east again. 02:22:24, 2013-03-29
- Not noticeably further south this time though. 02:23:29, 2013-03-29
- Christ it just went past again, going south-north this time. Please don't let it be doing a full grid-pattern search. 02:32:26, 2013-03-29
- Free Range Ketchup: I pushed a guy off a cliff and now he's trying to ruin my life. – murasakiyugata: Now… http://t.co/RjcQaMTUHP 02:39:51, 2013-03-29
- Photoset: phantastus: mydollyaviana: A crash course on non-disney films and studios (sequels not included;… http://t.co/WREfUGfRnu 02:52:11, 2013-03-29
- Plane hasn't retuned. Maybe now I can sleep. 02:55:40, 2013-03-29
- Photo: neil-gaiman: Given the amount of love out there right now for all things NEVERWHERE, I thought I… http://t.co/9SvEbVguS3 13:26:44, 2013-03-29
- @fedalvar @GroovyBruce Axe Cop the movie? in reply to fedalvar 14:20:08, 2013-03-29
- @JesseCox Jesse. Judging from your reflection, you have been playing WAY too much Dead Space. in reply to JesseCox 14:51:45, 2013-03-29
- @dexbonus How many days are you guys over for? in reply to dexbonus 15:07:32, 2013-03-29
- @mercuryhyena Why you travelling down to Wight? (PS; buy mead) in reply to mercuryhyena 16:21:33, 2013-03-29
- Clearing out email backlog. Been so dead this past week. 16:22:40, 2013-03-29
- Apparently there was a big car-crash on the motorway last night which was the probable cause of the overhead aircraft. 17:54:21, 2013-03-29
- Apparently a drunk ran from the police and crashed his car, killing both of his passengers but not himself. 17:55:00, 2013-03-29
- @YourAnonNews Is an action against an entity protest if there's no direct causal link? If they don't know who's doing it and why, it's not. in reply to YourAnonNews 17:58:21, 2013-03-29
- @mercuryhyena Seriously? It's the only place I've gotten plain mead I like! Godshill Cider Co! :3~ in reply to mercuryhyena 19:36:15, 2013-03-29
- @furison Oh yeah, plenty :) in reply to furison 19:51:28, 2013-03-29
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Twitter Updates for 29-03-2013